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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Networking: More than personal gain

These days, networking is recognized as a life-management skill, but only a small percentage of professionals and managers are at ease with it.  Many are awkward or obnoxious when attempting to make connections.

This discomfort and clumsiness comes partly from not understanding basic networking mechanics. Others are uncomfortable because they feel that networking means "using" people or being insincere. For a comprehensive view of Networking see the complete article here.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Employed? Manage your career

Best-selling author and motivational speaker Tom Peters strongly suggests that this economy has created a renewed need for individual responsibility. This is news to American workers who are overwhelmed daily by feelings of insecurity, fear and anger, and go to work every day without a sense of trust regarding the stability of their jobs.

While we wish for the best, the worst has been prevalent in the present job market. If you are now presently employed, what is the only alternative you hope doesn't happen?  To keep your job and prepare for the future managing your career is prudent. While this article is several years old, it still presents good points to consider in taking personal responsibility.

For ten tactics to consider in managing your career see the article here.